Gracias a Stel·la que me envió la imagen de la portada y una pagina interior de Le Petit Chaperon Rouge de Sarah Moon reeditado recientemente en Francia, encontré este otro libro posterior: Circus.
Sarah Moon es una conocida fotógrafa que se dedicó a la fotografía de moda sobre todo en los años 70/80 cuando hizo campañas como la de Cacharel. Fue evolucionando de una imagen suave y con color algo evanescente a una fotografía aun más indefinida pero con más carácter y predominio de los monocromos.
After a long series of trials and errors, I have finally been able to bring into the world a limited edition book "CIRCUS" consisting of original prints of Sarah's photographs, handcrafted Japanese-style papers graced with her brush works and a DVD of her moving images. And to the collections of Kahitsukan·Kyoto Museum of Contemporary Art, we have been able to add 34 photographic works of Sarah’s, her directly-written sentences rich in poetry and her moving images. "To be more creative is to get closer to childhood", says Sarah. The world of fairy tales where everybody once gave free rein to his or her imagination on the basis of the fairy tales he or she had been read to... It is the world of momentary fantasy in which all sorts of senses – gaiety, nostalgia, insecurity and sorrow – are jumbled together in complex layers.
Although based on Hans Christian Andersen's "The Little Match Girl", "CIRCUS", which can best be described as a contemporary fairy tale in moving images pregnant with deep insight and highly refined sense of beauty, actually follows its own unique course. When finished, the story, though a fiction, leaves the viewers with the train of singular spritual reverberations.
Sarah Moon's tale, with all its ephemeral scenes, begins...
Ephemeral Scenes, Yoshitomo Kajikawa
Circus es una edición como libro de artista hecha por el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Kyoto 2004, y tiene 37 paginas en blanco y negro con una parte del tiraje firmada por la autora.
El libro esta basado en la historia de H. C. Andersen, La vendedora de cerillas. Sarah ha vuelto a reescribir el texto utilizando el circo como marco:
Una guapa equilibrista ha desaparecido con su amante y la compañía del circo ha tenido que suspender la función, hasta el elefante no puede trabajar. Su hija bajo la apariencia de la vendedora de cerillas recorre las calles buscándola.
Este es el texto que escribió Yoshitomo Kajikawa sobre la justificación del libro:
In the summer of 2002, I was invited to Sarah's house in Paris and was given an opportunity to see her latest moving image story, "CIRCUS". A passionate admirer of Sarah’s moving image works ever since I saw her "Cartier-Bresson – Question Mark", I soon developed an uncontrollable urge to create a book consisting of Sarah's photographs, sentences and moving images.
After a long series of trials and errors, I have finally been able to bring into the world a limited edition book "CIRCUS" consisting of original prints of Sarah's photographs, handcrafted Japanese-style papers graced with her brush works and a DVD of her moving images. And to the collections of Kahitsukan·Kyoto Museum of Contemporary Art, we have been able to add 34 photographic works of Sarah’s, her directly-written sentences rich in poetry and her moving images. "To be more creative is to get closer to childhood", says Sarah. The world of fairy tales where everybody once gave free rein to his or her imagination on the basis of the fairy tales he or she had been read to... It is the world of momentary fantasy in which all sorts of senses – gaiety, nostalgia, insecurity and sorrow – are jumbled together in complex layers.
Although based on Hans Christian Andersen's "The Little Match Girl", "CIRCUS", which can best be described as a contemporary fairy tale in moving images pregnant with deep insight and highly refined sense of beauty, actually follows its own unique course. When finished, the story, though a fiction, leaves the viewers with the train of singular spritual reverberations.
Sarah Moon's tale, with all its ephemeral scenes, begins...
Ephemeral Scenes, Yoshitomo Kajikawa